Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A few wishes for Christmas!!!!!

“If wishes were horses then beggars would ride,
If turnips were watches I would wear one by the side”

There goes the old proverb, but hardly does the moral of the old proverb ever teach us anything, for we can’t stop wishing do we? So here’s a few of the things top on my wishlist…
I wish more than anything else I could write well. I really like the way some of my friends put their thoughts into words so coherently.
I wish I had someone to love and love me back.
I have wanted to go backpacking alone before I get married and try atleast one adventure sport.
I wish I was a good public speaker.
I wish I had some talent or maybe all, that has some thing to do with music. Sing, dance or maybe even play some kind of instrument.
I wish I could travel round the world and see those amazing places. Europe is top of my list.
I wish I wasn’t so touchy, hot headed, sentimental, moody and temperamental.
I definitely definitely wish I was more tech savvy.
I wish I could get wet in the rain whenever I wanted to.
I wish I had more life skills like bicycling, swimming and driving!!!
I wish I could bring home a dog.
I wish I was better at time management
I wish I wasn’t so lazy.
I wish I was more constructive.
I wish I was more diplomatic and could get myself out of sticky situations.
I wish I had a job that would pay me for experiencing the finer things in life like maybe a travel anchor or a food critic or a model!!!!

Well that’s all that I can think of right now…

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